Last Chakra Master
Life is a much deeper intelligent then intellect
We have to look at the mind as sixteen parts ,
Those sixteen parts will break to 84,000 parts
But let’s talk about 4 fundamental parts
First one is Buddhi ,,intellect ,
Which we have in today’s world, unnecessarily diving to much significance to it
We will pay an enormous price for it
The second one is called Ahankara,, identity
Whatever you’re identified with
Your intellect functions only around that
You will cut yourself with the sharpness of your intellect only deeper if you give too much to your identity
The next dimension called Manas ,
which is a huge volume of memory carried buy all of your body
Forth dimension is Chitta ,, pure intelligence
It is unsullied by memory it is the place where there is no trace of memory ,it is just pure intelligence
If you touch this ,you will have access to the source of creation